This past Friday was Research Day on R-MC's campus. Many students presented their research with a variety of presentations. Several women's basketball players completed some interesting research this year. Madison Dulaney '13, displayed her research from her FYEC class, The Minding Class. Her First Year Experience class completed work related to Overcoming Disabilities. Jordan Cantrell '13 also had research displayed from her First Year Experience Class, Measuring Athletic Performance: Biological and Statistical Views. Jordan and her research partner focused on Michael Phelps. And finally, Renee Stein, '10 was very busy with two research projects on diplay. Her first, "Money and Politics," was the culmination of her political science research methods course. And her political science senior capstone project was entitled: " Judicial Appointment and the Administration of Justice in the United States, Mexico, Venezuela, and Chile." All of the research projects were very well done; I enjoyed learning some new information as I walked around the library to check out each project.
The afternoon was capped off with our Honors Convocation. During the program, Stephanie Grune '11 was presented with a German Department award for her academic excellence. Congratulations Stephanie!