Well, finally that elusive 500 number has been found! I have an awful lot of people to thank for reaching this number. To all of the outstanding student-athletes who have propelled me into the spotlight, I give you thanks. To all my Assistant Coaches who know they have to keep me on task to have accomplished what we have, I surely value your bright minds, devotion and loyalty, and ability to put up with me every day. To my family for their unending love--what could I have ever done without your love and support? To my church family who buoyed me when times were tough. To all my friends, other family, and fans--thanks for helping me keep things in perspective and always being there for me. To our financial supporters---there is no way this program would be where it is today without your belief in us and what we are doing at Randolph-Macon College. Thanks to the media for giving us a shout now and again and putting us out there for the public to see.
To my current team, I am glad the number has been found. It was tougher on you than you thought. Please relax, think silly string, and just have fun.