Friday, December 14, 2012
Finals Week Turns to Warm Weather Soon
We have had a hectic and intense week of finals. Our players have had exams every day and the final group of five had the last time slot of 2-5 pm on Friday afternoon. I can't remember having any of our players in the last slot for awhile. We have tried to stay active throughout the week during our study breaks. We haven't done much team basketball, but we have been cognizant of our conditioning and done some cross training. For a few, they said they would just stay with basketball--the cross training activities were intense and harder than they thought. Each day they talked more about the sore muscles. Then they talked about being in shape for our trip to Florida. We play two tough opponents while there so their bodies have to be in shape. We are looking forward to the semester break, re-focusing, trying to turn our situation into a more positive outlook, and relaxing in the warm weather a bit before we join our families for the holidays.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Thankful, Still
`Tis the season to be thankful. And I am. As a basketball coach with an 0-3 record to start the season you may ask what is there to be thankful about? I can count the ways. I am thankful I am a coach. I am thankful to come to work every day and try to make an impact on young women. I am thankful to be able to teach and impart some knowledge on others. I am thankful for physical fitness, physical attributes, and physical talent. I am thankful for smart, young women. I am thankful for laughter. I am thankful for youth. I am thankful for this team. I am thankful for opportunities. I am thankful for desire. I am thankful for motivation. I am thankful for improvement. I am thankful for possibilities. I am thankful for my staff. I am thankful for Randolph-Macon. I am thankful for life. I am thankful for love. I am thankful for family. I am thankful...
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Opening Day
We are two practices shy of Opening Day for 2012-2013. Excitement is clearly in the air and the energy and effort the last few days seems to have turned up a notch. Sometimes that happens with young players. Nerves, fear, enthusiasm, mistakes, speed and just overall body movement appears to be everywhere. We coaches have been super excited about this team and the new look we will have. We are young. We miss the experience of our lost players--41 pts. to be exact. Surprises face us every day. Each day someone gets it and then it is contagious and they all get it. Then we can move on to the next skill or fundamental. It takes time to build youth, but when they pay attention and soak in the coaching tidbits, it is rewarding to watch them excel. The ODAC will have lots of new players this year, but some really good talent returning as well. Opening Day will set the tone. Come see us play. Our team will definitely have a different look.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Homecoming Court
Last Saturday was Homecoming. On Friday night, we had the gala and that is a treat in itself. Usually out of my element, but I have a blast when I get to socialize with lots of different people that love Randolph-Macon. The campus was buzzing with alumni. There were many special events and, for some, the first time they had seen all the construction on campus such as the Werner Pavillion and the new Day Field. Homecoming is always a special time to re-connect with former students, players, and even parents. One of our former player's Dad has a tailgate and has had one the last couple of years. It is a great opportunity for the players to come and reminisce about a particular game, practice, season, etc. We saw them all from 1980 up to 2012 this year. I love to see them because chances are I get to talk with them more at the tailgate than I do at our annual Back to the Hive event. Thanks for coming and thanks for the opportunity. Here is a picture of a few of the former players who came.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Control of the Weather for Golf
On Saturday we had our annual RMC Golf Open and Season Kick-Off fund-raiser. Everybody thinks I have some connections with the weather. We have always had outstanding weather for our golf events. Earlier in the day when I was loading up, it began to sprinkle. I said a little prayer to get rid of the wet in order to have a good day for golf. Thankfully, He heard me. The weather was splendid for golf. We had 18-foursomes, the largest turnout we have ever had. We had extras for lunch. The team did a great job conducting their fund-raiser! Thanks to all of our supporters for doing everything they do for women's basketball.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Leadership and Memories
Last Thursday night the Randolph-Macon campus had the opportunity to listen to Pat Williams, Senior Vice-President of the Orlando Magic, speak on "Moral Foundations for Sports, Business, and Life." He was a dynamic speaker as he sure has had a lot of experiences dealing with people from all walks of life and around the world. He has authored over 75-books. That is some serious writing! Blackwell Auditorium was filled and many of the athletes in attendance learned the 7-essential components to leadership. I am sure as the captains, the seniors, we coaches, and anyone else who believes they are a leader reflected on those 7-qualities, we could identify with each one as he defined it. I also thought about the leaders that have come through this program and how the really great ones had all those qualities or at least enough of them to make a difference with our team. My memories of them were as meaningful as the talk itself. At the conclusion of the presentation he was willing to sign any of his books that one had. The team bought some and we were able to get a picture with him as well.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Welcome Coach Litton
As usual much has happened since my last post. Our new class has arrived and have been on a whirlwind with the returning players. They laugh a lot. They have fun together. It is a good sign to see them having fun and being together. We have also welcomed back Ana Litton as our new Assistant Coach. She was with the program from 2002-2006. During that time, we won 3-ODAC Championships, played in 3-NCAA Tournaments including a National Runner-up position and an Elite 8 finish. I don't know about history repeating itself, but we will believe in it for the time being. So as you can tell there are many exciting things going on to start the new school year. Our big event coming up soon is the RMC Golf Open. It is one of the fund-raisers we do. We could use your swing. Check it out at . Come join us for a great day and kick-off.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Almost Over--Ready for a New Start
It's that time of the summer where everything is bustling around campus as we finish up with construction projects, renovation projects and just getting ready for the new school year. The Fall athletes have all returned and are about to open their seasons. Everyone is excited and refreshed (I think) to begin the 2012-13 school year. I am for sure. There will be changes, fortunately or unfortunately, for some of us. I only say that because change is never easy, so it can be unfortunate for those who don't embrace it and for those who do, then the change can be fortunate. I am pumped for the 2012-13 season as 6-new players will join us. That is more than a team you put on the floor. The last time we had more than a team to add to our roster was back in 1992-93 when we brought in 7-new players. Through all those years since then, we have had to bring in only a couple of players to compliment the existing roster. Basically it is the same thing, as this past May we graduated 4-significant contributors to our program over the last few years. Not only did bodies need to be replaced, but some statistics will have to be as well. Talk about change. That is why I think it is fortunate. Opportunities abound everywhere and I trust they will be grasped and taken advantage of by each of our players. Can't wait!
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Busy Summer
It does seem like a long time ago since I've updated my blog. It has been a very busy summer. My trip with USA Athletes to Ireland and camps have kept me occupied. Every camp has been interesting and different. The most recent venture at Randolph-Macon College was the East Coast Elite Hoops camp. We had 15-high school players on campus for skill development and play. We also had a great staff of collegiate coaches from Randolph-Macon, Franklin & Marshall, Bridgewater, Salisbury, and St. Mary's. Since it was the first year of this camp, we started small and hope to grow more in 2013 with a new group of prospective students. Check our website out at:
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Camp Week
Camp is something else! We have an outstanding staff this year and with all the kids we have, ages 7-12, the days are flying by. We have lots of enthusiasm. This group listens very well and tries to do exactly what we just taught, said, recommended, etc. It is quite amazing and very uplifting to see them pay attention as much as they do. It is even more satisfying to see the improvement each camper has made in just a short time. Hopefully more gratification will come to each of them if they continue to work on their skills and not just expect to be a good basketball player in a week. It does take a lot of hard work, extra work and quite a commitment to do your best and become the player you want to be. I am pleased that they chose R-MC Girls' Basketball Camps to begin their journey. Today was Wacky Wednesday. Our campers and staff fit the bill quite well.
Upon Return
It seems I had good intentions to write while in Ireland and I apologize it didn't happen. I had a fabulous time and I believe the team I coached did as well. They have talked about a reunion site in another year and graciously asked if I would be their coach. Now it will be up to USA Athletes to find us a destination or determine if it is a go. I obviously made it home safely. Upon return we jumped right into a weekend of Macon Hoops with The Battle at the Brock. It was a fundraiser for our team. Hopefully when all the bills are paid, we will have something to show for all the hard work of the players and their parents. Thanks very much for the great help we had from a few parents and all of our players. From Macon Hoops we went right into our Day Camp. More to follow on that in another post.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Back to My Roots
I knew I was from Ireland as my great-great-great grandfather was an Irish sea captain according to our family genealogy. He came from Ireland and settled on Mt. Desert Island in Maine. Since I have the opportunity to be in Ireland coaching a team for USA Athletes, I have begun to understand some of the things my grandparents and my mother would refer to in our family discussions or get togethers. I have seen the name Carroll several different places while traveling about through Ireland--Dublin, Cork, Limerick and all the other little places here and there. The tour is called the Irish Roots Tour. Now I think that is pretty clever as many of us could probably trace our roots back to Ireland. The team I am coaching has some of the nicest young women on it. There are seven players: 1 -grad student from the University of Mobile-she also played at Ole Miss; 1-from Columbia College in South Carolina; 2-from Clark University; 1- from Rowan University; and 1-from Montclair University; and 1-from Hollins University. This is one of the best trips I have been on in terms of the locale, the culture, the hospitality, the players and their personalities, the food, the people we meet and come into contact with, and the experience. Even our basketball has been fun and exciting. They play a very aggressive and physical game over here. Our team had to adjust some, but the officiating was fairly consistent. At any rate, I'll write more during another chance with free wi-fi.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Graduation-Keep Moving
On May 26, four of our players graduated . That's the biggest class since 1996. As I have told them all, four years zoomed by. Now they are on their own without the comfort and security of the college life. All have plans, Jill is going to VCU to get her Masters in Social Work; Taylor twill be taking over the office managing her Dad's business; Molly is headed back to Floyd, but will be an Assistant Coach for Roanoke Catholic; and Maggie is waiting to hear from UNC-G after her recent change in plans to pursue athletics. It's hard to believe they are moving on, but that's life, right? Things keep moving whether we want them to or not. We wish the best for them and Godspeed. It was nice to see their teammates and former teammates on campus to celebrate with them on Saturday. And so now, I guess, summer begins. I am off again this year coaching a team with USA Athletes to Ireland. I will update you upon my return as I am sure the experience will be splendid.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
What's Up With the Weather
Can anyone figure the weather? We surely have had some bizarre weather days. One day it is 82 and I need to run the AC. The next day, I am stoking up a fire to take the chill off in the house. Last week the pool guys came to open the pool while I was building a fire in the wood stove. That was a funny sight. This week the weather appears to be a little more consistent. Many of the students are out sunning, playing and soaking the rays while also fitting some studying in. Everyone seems to cheer up more when the weather is nice. We love nice weather for cheery moods! Here it is the first of May and we have not had too many consistent warm-up days. Maybe it has finally broke and we are on our way to the heat of the summer. That would be okay with me. We have just one week of classes left--wow.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Back from Denver
Having the privilege to attend our coaches convention is a professional development opportunity I look forward to every year. I get so excited learning more or different ways to do things that I have been doing for 30-years--so much so, I am ready for next season to start right now and we haven't even taken too much of a break yet. The sessions, the on-court programming, and learning labs were full of very useful and pertinent information for me. One of the best sessions was the keynote speaker, Joe Ehrmann. He was a super dynamic speaker and his 1.5 hour talk whizzed by. He challenged us coaches to "Win While Leaving a Legacy". His points were very real and I look forward to reading his book, InSide Out Coaching. Another really good session was Cathy Crosslin's, "Change Your Mind, Elevate Your Game". Now it will be my challenge to take the points from each of them and grow more as a coach. I am ready.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Spring Break
A lot has happened since my last post. It is probably a good thing that I don't look at the date of the last one because then I will know I truly have been negligent in keeping up with the news about and within the program. So what has been going on since you last read? Well we ended our very quick season on a down note losing in the quarterfinal game of the ODAC tourney. Certainly not what any of us intended, but not a surprise to some who knew our inconsistencies throughout the year. The last game of the season, unless you win the National Tournament, will always end with a loss. That last game is a tough ending to all the hard work, time and energy each of us has put into the season and for four seniors--four years of their college life. These four seniors won 2-ODAC Championships (many players never win a Conference Championship), and had 2-NCAA post-season appearances. They accomplished many things during their career and they kept Randolph-Macon in the forefront of the Conference. I am going to miss their unique personalities and their contributions. I will always remember what they gave to the program.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
So Much For Granted
Last weekend was extremely special for our team as we had our annual pink games and assisted with Special Olympics. This year our team raised money for ReeseStrong, which is the foundation in honor of Reese, our little pediatric brain cancer survivor that we adopted three years ago through the Friends of Jaclyn program. ReeseStrong helps other families in their fight against childhood cancer. Reese was with us all day. The team was welcomed by her at center court to start the game and we had the opportunity for hugs following the game. She and her family are such great supporters of the Yellow Jackets and we were honored to raise a little money for ReeseStrong.
Then on Sunday, our team participated in the basketball skills session of the Virginia Special Olympics Basketball Tournament. We cheered on and led the Olympians in dribbling, passing, and shooting--skills we take for granted. Our team was fabulous in their efforts, their encouragement, and their overall involvement in the entire event. We finished off the special day with the dance in Alumni Gym with as many Olympians as wanted to dance.
Monday, February 6, 2012
23rd Annual Back to the Hive

This past Saturday we celebrated the 23rd Annual Back to the Hive event. It was the largest group of former team members--35-- that has come back. The day started with our odd years versus even years alumnae game. The game was pretty equal throughout the contest until the even years took control with a couple minutes left to prevail again for the 3rd straight year. Our game vs Emory & Henry followed with us taking a decisive victory. Each alumnus was recognized at half-time and given a momento. And then onto the social following the game--usually the favorite of all. It was a great opportunity to catch up with each other and some parents of former members were in attendance as well. Thanks to all for coming and sharing in the day. Thanks to each of you who contributed to the dvd with pictures, kind comments, and lots of precious memories. It was a powerful day for me. We also had several prospective students visit and experience the day. They sure did get a feel for RMC Women's Basketball. Take a look at the ones who came Back.
Monday, January 16, 2012
The Number Has Arrived!

Well, finally that elusive 500 number has been found! I have an awful lot of people to thank for reaching this number. To all of the outstanding student-athletes who have propelled me into the spotlight, I give you thanks. To all my Assistant Coaches who know they have to keep me on task to have accomplished what we have, I surely value your bright minds, devotion and loyalty, and ability to put up with me every day. To my family for their unending love--what could I have ever done without your love and support? To my church family who buoyed me when times were tough. To all my friends, other family, and fans--thanks for helping me keep things in perspective and always being there for me. To our financial supporters---there is no way this program would be where it is today without your belief in us and what we are doing at Randolph-Macon College. Thanks to the media for giving us a shout now and again and putting us out there for the public to see.
To my current team, I am glad the number has been found. It was tougher on you than you thought. Please relax, think silly string, and just have fun.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Sun and Experience

I can't believe it has taken me so long to post something from our trip to San Juan, Puerto Rico. While we were all excited about going to some place sunny and perhaps exotic, it was not at all what I had expected. It was not a quiet beach island at all, at least where we were in Isla Verde. The traffic was most intense and it seemed to not be logical in how one gets from one place to the next. At any rate, it was fun to be with the team and I was proud of their willingness to try Puerto Rican food. Our two games against Alvernia and Franklin and Marshall were also great experiences. We sure do get spoiled in the states with some of the luxury gyms we get to play in. The courts/gyms in San Juan were open. Since it was so warm, the morning breeze felt nice during our heated contests. Having the chance to see the El Junque Rain Forest and Old San Juan were highlights of our trip as well. The team had the opportunity to swim in the very cold waterfall in the rain forest. Swimming in the ocean wasn't as fun as the hotel pool, but everyone enjoyed the warmth. All in all, I am happy we had a chance to experience another culture and lifestyle.
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